5.1 Employers’ Responsibilities
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1 min
Employers should make all reasonable efforts to provide access to all applicants. For example:
- When arranging for interviews, inform all applicants that accommodations are available upon request for applicants with disabilities.
- Choose interview locations that are accessible to candidates with disabilities.
- Identify accessible parking options.
- Provide clear directions about where to meet.
- Help your front office staff to learn how to interact appropriately with people with disabilities.
- Give all applicants clear information about the selection process.
Tips for Successful Interviews:
- An interview team will reduce individual bias.
- The interview team should include staff members who understand disability and diversity issues.
- Support and information can be accessed from service providers representing candidates, or on the Hire for Talent website.
- A diverse interview team will provide insight into responses that other team members may not fully grasp.
- Consider changing or adding to the standards used to evaluate candidates. Adding items such as overcoming challenges, new perspectives, and problem-solving ability to desired skill sets can help employers see value in diverse candidates.
1 Canadian Council on Rehabilitation and Work (CCRW).
2 Community Foundations of Canada. Retrieved from the HR Council of Canada website.
2 Community Foundations of Canada. Retrieved from the HR Council of Canada website.
Hire for Talent has made every effort to use the most respectful words possible while writing these materials. We realize, however, that the most appropriate terminology may change over time. We developed these materials with the intent to respect the dignity and inherent rights of all individual.
Hire for Talent has made every effort to use the most respectful words possible while writing these materials. We realize, however, that the most appropriate terminology may change over time. We developed these materials with the intent to respect the dignity and inherent rights of all individual.
This tool was developed in collaboration with
National Working Group